Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oh great....ANOTHER tech blog.

OK, I know there are a literal metric ton of tech blogs out there right now.  Hell, I read most of them in some way or another.  I'm hoping this one will be a bit different.  Granted, I don't have a fancy domain name and I'm using a FREE site to publish my ramblings.  I won't do product "hands on" videos or write-ups about the latest tech because I seriously don't have that kind of time, money or sponsorship.  Tech companies aren't willing to just send me something to review because I'm cool.  Doesn't work that way.

Like I said, I'm hoping this one will be different in some ways from the "news media" style that the mainstream sites have become.  We are in an age where technology, mainly computer technology, is the invisible 800lb gorilla in every facet of daily living.  Think about that for a second....take your time, no rush.  Everywhere we go and nearly everything we do these days revolves around a "computer" of sorts.  I remember when I was in high school and futility was OWNING me when it came to learning algebra.  We all had that teacher who said "You need to learn this because you will use it every day when you get older."  I called bullshit then and I call it now.  Now, had there been a teacher who told me "Thomas, you need to learn microprocessor technology because you will use it every day when you get older."  He/she would have been crowned my favorite teacher ever in the history of teaching kids things....ever.  Don't get me wrong, I know there are some who use algebra, calculus, trigonometry and differential equations everyday:

"Normal" people, however, are not immersed in the sciences that require higher level math:

You get the idea.  What I'm trying to say is that you really can't do anything without a computer of some sort involved.  Hell, even the Japanese have a high tech toilet that will help you do your business AND give you the kind of verbal encouragement you got as a toddler when you graduated from the potty trainer. 

What I hope to see this blog evolve into is a place where I can attempt to explain the tech in way that at least makes sense to the non-tech person.  I eat and breathe this stuff and can't get enough but for a lot of folks they don't care to weed through the crap to understand what they just read.  I also hope that by me putting some thoughts into words will help me keep things in perspective personally.  It may not help you and you may see it as the ramblings of a lunatic but so be it.  Along the way I'll explain what I do for a living, make fun of A LOT of things and people and use pics and video to help lighten the mood.  Keep in mind this is all for fun and I'm not looking to get rich by doing this.  The technology that has engulfed us is something to be serious about because it has shaped, and will continue to shape, our lives but at the same time we shouldn't forget that there is fun to be had and a laugh to let loose.

On that note I'll end this entry with a video.  It's not funny or comical but it is very insightful and was put together by a site called  Some of the poeple in the video you will recognize and some you won't but the one commonality is that they have all created something from nothing that has shaped the way we live and work.  If I knew then what I know now......